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A Guide to Why Founders Must Keep Their Messaging Clear and Simple Apr 23, 2024

“If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, then you don't understand it yourself.” —Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein's famous saying applies to a wide range of fields, including...

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When Your ICP No Longer Works - How to Adjust Your Ideal Customer Persona Apr 23, 2024

Picture this: You kickstart a business with one product in mind, only to realize down the road that another product might fit better. What's your next move?

Once the initial freak-out moment...

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How to Find Your ICP Apr 23, 2024

Starting a business isn't just about the product or service. It's about understanding how it genuinely benefits your audience. To pinpoint your Ideal Customer Profile or Persona (ICP), you need a...

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The Transformative Power of Executive Presence in Leadership Apr 12, 2024

The air in the room held a charge, each breath a prelude to the next moment of inspiration. This is the indelible impression left by leaders who possess an almost magnetic charisma—a trait...

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What is an ICP?: Identifying Who Your Customers Really Are Apr 12, 2024

Effective marketing isn't just about throwing anything out there and hoping someone bites. It's about knowing your audience inside and out. Enter the Ideal Client Profile or Persona (ICP). It's...

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How to Find the Sweet Spot with Your ICP Apr 12, 2024

When you’re starting a business, it's tempting to think that reaching as many people as possible is the surefire way to success. However, we've come to realize that trying to cater to...

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What is SEO and how to know if you need it for your business Jan 02, 2024

SEO (search engine optimization) is one of those topics that everyone feels they know something about, but few are really clear on what it is, and thought they suspect they need it - they aren't...

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