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A Guide to Why Founders Must Keep Their Messaging Clear and Simple

Apr 23, 2024
Why Founders Must Keep Their Messaging Clear and Simple

“If you can't explain it to a six-year-old, then you don't understand it yourself.” —Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein's famous saying applies to a wide range of fields, including theoretical physics and startup entrepreneurship. It's a mantra that challenges us to distill complex ideas into their simplest essence. For founders, this principle is not just a mental exercise, but something they must do. Making the language on your website, social media, and other content simple can greatly help you con4nect with your audience, engage them, and achieve business success.

Cognitive Load Theory: The Science of Simplicity

Understanding cognitive load theory is vital to comprehend why simplicity is compelling. John Sweller, an educational psychologist, created this theory. It says our working memory can only hold so much. When you make information complicated, it's harder for people to understand.

Using complicated language can discourage even the most interested customers. Simple and clear messages help consumers understand your value proposition more easily. This understanding encourages engagement, trust, and eventually, conversions.

The ROI of Simplicity

Simple language isn't just good for the soul; it's good for business. The Global Brand Simplicity Index connects brand simplicity with consumer behavior, giving us an interesting perspective. The index shows that 64% of consumers are willing to pay more for simplicity. Moreover, 61% of people are more inclined to suggest a brand that provides easy experiences and communication. If you're not focusing on making your message simple, you're likely leaving money on the table.

The Psychology of Simplicity

Cognitive Load

The human brain has a finite amount of mental resources. Using complicated language can use up these resources fast, making it hard for your audience to understand your message. When cognitive load increases, comprehension decreases. If you want your audience to grasp and remember what you're saying, keep it simple.

Attention Span

Information bombards the modern consumer. Studies suggest that the average attention span has dwindled over the years. The lesson? Be succinct. You have a small window of opportunity to capture attention and make an impression. Don't waste it on wordy, convoluted messages.

Emotional Impact

Simple language is not only easier to understand, but it also connects with our emotions. Complicated, technical language can feel impersonal and may alienate your audience. In contrast, straightforward language evokes stronger emotions and facilitates a deeper connection.

Writing Tips for Keeping It Simple

The One-Sentence Rule

Every sentence you write should convey a single thought or idea. If you find a sentence becoming too long or tackling many points, break it down. Keeping to one thought per sentence ensures clarity and improves readability.

Plain English and Short Words

Jargon has its place, but that place is rarely in customer-facing copy. Stick with plain English and short words. If a simpler synonym for a word exists, use it. This is not dumbing down your message; it's making it accessible.

Active Voice

Active voice is generally easier to understand than passive voice. Using active voice makes sentences more direct and robust. The subject performs the action. "The team submitted the proposal."

Use of Bullet Points

Bullet points are excellent for breaking down complex ideas into digestible bits. They also provide visual breaks, making the copy easier to scan. Bullet points can be your best friend when listing features, benefits, or steps.

The Role of Structure

Headlines and Subheadlines

Headlines and subheadlines help readers navigate your content. Breaks in the text give a preview of each section, encouraging the reader to keep going.


A wall of text is intimidating. Short paragraphs are inviting. Aim for paragraphs that are no longer than three to four sentences. This makes your content more readable and visually appealing.

Transitional Phrases

You can make your text flow better by adding transitional phrases like 'however,' 'in addition,' and 'therefore.' They help the reader move smoothly between ideas, making the writing clear and logical.

Understanding Your Audience

Buyer Personas

You've heard it before, but it bears repeating: Know your audience. Create buyer personas to customize your message and language for different customer groups. To simplify your message, understand your audience better.

Readability Scores

There are tools to measure how easy your text is to read. One tool is called the Flesch-Kincaid index. Although not perfect, these scores can help determine if you're achieving simplicity.

Case Studies: Good and Bad Examples: Case Studies on Simplicity vs. Complexity

Good Example 1: Apple

Apple Inc. is a Fortune 500 company. It is famous for its sleek design and simple language. The design and language reflect the company's product ethos. Instead of saying, "The iPhone is a well-designed phone with a touchscreen interface," they chose, "This changes everything." Again." The simplicity of Apple’s messaging makes it easier for consumers to understand the value proposition instantly.

Bad Example 1: Tech Startup

Imagine a tech startup offering a cloud-based storage solution. If their website is filled with jargon like, "Utilize our SaaS platform for optimizing your data storage through integrated multi-layered encryption algorithms," they're going to lose a lot of potential customers. It's confusing and doesn't convey the benefit directly.

Good Example 2: Nike

Nike's famous slogan "Just Do It" is a brilliant example of simple yet impactful language. It's motivational, to the point, and universally understood. Nike also keeps its product descriptions simple. They focus on the benefits rather than technical specifications. They know that simplicity drives engagement.

Bad Example 2: Local Restaurant

Imagine a nearby restaurant that uses very complex words in its menu descriptions. The menu uses confusing language to describe the chicken dish with herbs. This might make customers uncomfortable and unsure about what they're ordering.

Good Example 3: Airbnb

Airbnb's website and app are designed for simplicity. They don't use fancy words like "peer-to-peer service for people to list, discover, and book accommodations around the world." Instead, they say, "Book unique homes and experiences." The message is clear, and the customer knows what to expect.

Bad Example 3: E-commerce Site

During checkout, if an online store uses complicated language, it may direct customers to the payment gateway to finish buying." This can confuse customers, and a confused customer often means a missed sale.

The “Curse of Knowledge” Dilemma

Entrepreneurs often suffer from what is known as the "curse of knowledge." Sometimes, if you are an expert in your field, it can be hard to understand people who don't know as much. As a result, it's simple to use industry jargon or complex terms when communicating your brand. Breaking free from this curse requires conscious effort.

The Power of Understanding

Simple language fosters understanding. If your audience understands your message, they're more likely to engage with your brand. To have trust, you need understanding. Trust is important for engagement, like on social media or with customers.

Decreasing Cognitive Friction

Cognitive friction is the mental effort required to understand something. The harder your audience has to work to decode your message, the more likely they are to disengage. Using simple language reduces friction and helps people transition from understanding to action. This can show up in different KPIs, like spending more time on web pages or higher click-through rates. It can also include more completed actions, such as submitting forms or making purchases.

Enhancing Emotional Resonance

When messages are simple and to the point, they are often more emotionally resonant. Consider how simple and direct some advertising slogans are, they can be very effective. Emotion is important for engagement. People engage more with content that resonates emotionally.

Boosting Accessibility and Inclusivity

By using simple words and sentence structures, more people can understand your content. This includes non-native English speakers and those with learning disabilities. This is crucial for any brand aiming for maximum market penetration. When things are more accessible, more people engage with them, like sharing and converting.

SEO and Algorithmic Advantages

Search engines are becoming increasingly sophisticated at understanding natural language. Making your content easy to understand boosts SEO, so your site shows up in search results. Better SEO rankings can lead to increased site traffic, which in itself is a form of engagement. Social media algorithms like posts with more engagement, so simpler posts get seen and engaged with more.

Increasing Shareability

A message that is easily understood is also easily shared. When things are simple, people are more likely to share them, such as articles or social media posts. Shares are crucial for virality. When your content is shared more, it has a higher chance of going viral.

Facilitating Consistent Messaging

Using simple language helps keep a consistent message across different communication channels. These channels include your website, social media, and email marketing. Consistency strengthens brand identity, which in turn fosters trust and boosts engagement.

Keep It Simple and Emotional: Triggers Influence Decision Making

Research in neuroeconomics shows that emotions are crucial for decision-making, not just an extra. Our choices can be influenced by emotions, even when we think we're being logical. When we use simple, emotional words in our writing, it can make people more likely to take action.

Credibility Through Emotional Connection

People buy from people, not corporations. This truism holds in both B2B and B2C contexts. Emotional language humanizes your brand and makes it relatable. Readers trust messages when they feel emotionally connected, like aspiration, urgency, or fear.

Memory Retention

Emotional experiences are memorable. If you make your message more memorable, it is more likely to be remembered when decisions are made. Emotional language in your offer or call-to-action convinces people to convert more.

Breaking Through the Noise

We live in a world saturated with messages clamoring for our attention. Emotional language can act as a filter-breaker. When you tap into a person’s emotions, you stand a better chance of being noticed in an overcrowded space. It's especially important on social media because people have short attention spans.

Fostering a Sense of Urgency or Exclusivity

Emotionally charged language can create a psychological push. Words like "last chance" or "act now" can make people worried about missing out and push them to act right away.

Building Community and Loyalty

Emotional words can create a sense of community or belonging for a brand or product. When people really get your message, they become loyal supporters of your brand. This is better than simply making a one-time purchase. Emotionally-charged conversion copy is like a seed for community-building.


While emotional language is potent, it needs to be used judiciously. Overuse or misuse can backfire, leading to skepticism or alienation. When talking to people, show both your feelings and your thoughts, and be real so they don't control you.

Keeping It Simple on Various Platforms

Your Website

Make the user interface simpler and use clear language to explain what you offer. When people visit your website, they should quickly understand what you offer.

Social Media

Remember, social media is not a platform for a dissertation. Limit your character count and choose words that resonate with the everyday consumer. Use visuals to complement and simplify the text.

Email Marketing

The email subject line should be a short and enticing phrase that makes the reader want to open it. Once they are in, present one clear message or call-to-action to guide behavior.

TL:DR The Simplicity Checklist

  • Know Your Audience: Conduct market research to understand their language proficiency and preferences.

  • Regularly test different versions of your text to see what your audience likes the most.

  • Use tools like Hemingway Editor or Grammarly to make your text easier to understand. These tools can assess the readability of your writing.

  • Feedback Loop: Continuously gather feedback from your audience and make adjustments accordingly.

  • Get assistance from experts. They can provide a fresh viewpoint to simplify your message.

  • Analyze competitors' communication to learn from what works and what doesn't.

The Way Forward

Having a great product or service isn't enough; you must be able to explain it clearly. If Einstein could explain relativity in simple words, you can do the same for your business. Making your language simpler isn't "dumbing down" your message. It actually makes it more accessible and relatable, which is smart for business.

In this age of information, successful businesses communicate clearly and simply. So go ahead and embrace simplicity; your bottom line will thank you for it.


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