TheĀ  Blog

What is a content strategy and why you need one now May 16, 2024

The benefits of copywriting and content marketing are so many that it would be silly to even try to list them here. Of course, that is just what I intend to do, but mostly to convince you that...

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Social Media Marketing Tips for Women Entrepreneurs May 13, 2024

As a woman entrepreneur, social media marketing can be a powerful tool for growing your business and connecting with potential customers. But with so many social media platforms and strategies to...

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What can a great content strategy do for your business May 12, 2024

The online world is constantly evolving, and it can be overwhelming for entrepreneurs over 40 to navigate. Without a clear strategy, it's easy to get lost in the sea of digital marketing tactics...

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Content is Everywhere - Mastering Social Media as a Solopreneur May 10, 2024

Social media content is everywhere you look, and as a solopreneur, it can feel overwhelming to keep up. From the latest trends to viral memes, it seems like there's always something new to post on...

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The Power of Agency Partnerships in Women's Digital Marketing May 09, 2024

As a business owner, let alone a woman, you should add professional juggler to your resume because we know you are always juggling a million things at once. We all know that running a business is...

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Mastering Online Business Strategy - A Guide for Women Solopreneurs May 09, 2024

Fact: Did you know that female entrepreneurs are starting businesses at a faster rate than ever before? Women across the globe are making significant strides in the business world, breaking...

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Know why AI Technology Won't Replace Experienced Copywriters May 09, 2024

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 6 months, you’ve definitely heard about the release of ChatGPT. It feels like every day there is a new announcement around AI...

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Digital Success - Brand Strategy Blueprint May 07, 2024

Navigating the intricate landscape of the digital world can often seem akin to traversing a dense and unexplored jungle. It is an environment that is dynamic, continually evolving, and teeming with...

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Boost Brand Visibility - Power of Your Village Inventory May 06, 2024

“You're the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” a quote attributed most often to motivational speaker Jim Rohn, is a thought to truly consider–especially...

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Ultimate Guide to Generating Leads Online for a Consultant Business May 06, 2024

As a small consultant business owner, you know that there are things you could be doing to grow your business. The issue is that you might not be sure what they were and you don't have time to...

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Online Branding for Women - Owned Consulting Businesses May 06, 2024

Are you a woman-owned consulting business looking to get new clients online? Do you want to know how to use social media to attract clients? If so, this blog post is for you! We’ll explore...

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The First Look - What Your Logo Says About Your Brand May 02, 2024

When someone sees your logo, what do you want them to think of? The logo you choose for your company is a representation of your company brand. It is used to differentiate who you are and symbolize...

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