TheĀ  Blog

What is a Content Audit? contentaudit Jun 20, 2024

Everything You Need to Know About Conducting a Content Audit

Over time, your website or blog can accumulate thousands of words of content. Eventually, you may lose track of the content you have,...

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The Power of Women in Business womeninbusiness Jun 18, 2024

The world needs more women in business — at all ages, and in all industries.

For generations business has been dominated by men, and women were relegated to the role of homemaker and...

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19 Actionable SEO Copywriting Tips to Improve Rankings in 2024 Jun 12, 2024

SEO Copywriting Guide

Writing to inform, engage, and entertain your target audience is already challenging. If you also want to optimize for search, that adds a new layer of complexity. You have to...

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Choosing the Right Content Marketing Agency for You Jun 06, 2024

A content marketing agency creates blog posts, social media content, videos, eBooks, memes, and other output that tells the world about your company and its products. Ideally, this content is...

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From the Founder: The Books Every Business Owner Should Read Jun 04, 2024

I read once that the most successful CEOs and Founders spend time reading non-fiction every day. In fact, they apparently spend between 30 minutes and an hour each day, and that surprised me.

As a...

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Conquering Online Visibility: Overcoming Fear to Unleash Your Business Potential Jun 04, 2024

You know you have an incredible business idea. One that will change the world and the way people do things – whether it’s how they navigate the healthcare system, how they access...

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How to Write Your Professional Bio: Overcoming the Challenge of Self-Writing as Women Jun 03, 2024

Why is writing about ourselves as women so hard?

Maybe it’s because we’re taught from an early age not to brag. It could be because most of us have come up in a male-dominated world. Or...

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Why it Makes Sense to Use a Woman-Focused Marketing Team Jun 03, 2024

What do women want?

Even as a woman, I can say that’s a loaded question. When it comes to women in business, I will say the answer is to be heard. As we say at Hey Visible, someday it won't...

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Your brand has a voice. You can choose what it is and what it says May 27, 2024

How to discover your brand voice

Right after I graduated college, I did the one thing I said I’d never do with my English degree: I became a teacher. High School English Language Arts. Wild,...

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Business branding is a key tool for growth in 2023 May 27, 2024

Branding in business: not a want, but a need.

Think about the last person you met. Perhaps a stranger with whom you encountered for the first time. Now, reflect on the initial impression that you...

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7 Ways to Be a Better Copywriter: Boost Your Marketing Skills Today May 26, 2024

Copywriting is an essential part of marketing and advertising. It involves creating written content that persuades and influences people to take a specific action. The goal of copywriting is to...

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Mastering Your Market: It's All About the Niche Selection for Entrepreneurs May 23, 2024

Finding Your Niche: Why it matters for entrepreneurs

What is a niche? A niche is a group of people that you think your solution works best for. To understand what they need, want, and respond to,...

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