TheĀ  Blog

Making good choices Jul 15, 2024

When you were a kid, I bet your Mom would say things like: “make good choices.” I know I heard that – and said it to my own kids.

Making choices is on my mind today. Not because...

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What is SEO and how to know if you need it for your business Jul 15, 2024


EO or search engine optimization is one of those topics that everyone feels like they know something about, but few are really clear on what it is and why we even need to consider it. 


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What is Attention Marketing & Why Should You Care? Jul 15, 2024

Marketing guru Seth Godin says that is a business model that focuses on capturing users’ attention through non-invasive content rather than interrupting users’ attention with something...

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The top trends happening in content marketing now Jul 15, 2024

There are a ton of things happening in the world of content marketing and digital strategy right now. The pandemic — and the shift it created for businesses – has led to folks moving...

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Hashtags for Business: Social Media Doā€™s and Donā€™ts Jul 12, 2024


Let me be perfectly honest. When hashtags (#) first appeared in social media I really didn’t understand what they were. All I could think was why are they using...

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The Top 10 Things to Look For Before Hiring a Copywriting Agency Jul 12, 2024

You may have the best product or service in the world, but if you don’t communicate that to your target audience, you’re not going to make any sales. That’s where copywriting...

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How to Do A Content Audit: An In-Depth Guide Jul 12, 2024

What exactly is a content audit and how do you do one?

In this blog post we’ll go over what a content audit is, why you should do one, and how to go about conducting one so that you can get...

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Email marketing makes more sense than you think Jul 12, 2024

Email is one of those things that everybody loves to hate. But, it is also one of the most effective tools you can have in your content marketing strategy.

Did you know that email marketing can be...

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Tracking Blog KPIs Jul 10, 2024

How to Track Your Blog Metrics to Reach Your Goals

As a business using a blog, it’s important to track your progress and performance over time. This means monitoring key metrics, or key...

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Copywriting Packages & Pricing in 2024 ā€” How Much Does it Really Cost? copywritingpackages Jun 21, 2024

Suppose that you’ve decided to outsource at least some of your copywriting this year. It probably won’t take you long to realize that you have a nearly overwhelming number of options...

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How to Choose the Best Content Marketing Agency Jun 20, 2024

When it comes to promoting your business, content is king. But with so many content marketing agencies out there, how do you choose the right one for your company? In this post we will discuss some...

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Content Marketing Best Practices contentmarketing Jun 20, 2024

A survey shows that 97% of businesses see content as important to their overall strategy. That alone shows that your focus should be on polishing your content marketing best practices in 2022....

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