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How to Write Your Professional Bio: Overcoming the Challenge of Self-Writing as Women

Jun 03, 2024
Write Your Professional Bio

Why is writing about ourselves as women so hard?

Maybe it’s because we’re taught from an early age not to brag. It could be because most of us have come up in a male-dominated world. Or maybe it’s just uncomfortable to put ourselves in the spotlight. Whatever the reason, it’s time to shift our mindset.

Think back to the first time you were asked to provide your Professional Bio. Did you cringe at the thought of knowing the time had finally come when you’d have to sit down to write one? Providing visibility as a business owner is not only important to do for your brand, but yourself as well. A strong professional bio provides a snapshot of who you are, what you’ve done, and what you’re capable of doing. Having your bio ready to share when asked for one, and even published online such as your LinkedIn account, demonstrates why you deserve the opportunities you are asking for or being given.

Plan it out. Your professional bio is a personal story, and should be written with thought and copy edited carefully. Before you begin, start with an outline. Treat this piece of writing as you would any other narrative. Jot down your answers to the following areas before expanding on them.

  • Name

  • Occupation and Job title

  • Work history

  • Education

  • Certifications pertinent to your work

  • Passions and goals

  • Personal interests and values as they pertain to your business/career

  • Fun or quirky fact(s) about yourself

Choose your Point of View.

Depending on the situation your professional bio is needed, you may need to change your writing style from first-person to third-person. First-person point of view would mean you are using “I” and “me” to describe yourself. Your online profiles are a great place to use first-person because it sounds more casual and personable. Sharing your bio in third-person may be more beneficial if an organization is publishing it on your behalf as a speaker for an event.

It’s about making words count, not word count.

You’ve heard the saying quality over quantity. Your professional bio is no exception. Your bio is not your autobiography. The audience is seeking quick facts to get a glimpse into who you are and what they can expect from you as an employer, partner, or client. You are also not required, nor is it needed, to share everything about you. If you have a hobby that relates to your work or volunteer at an organization that supports the values of your company these are the aspects of your life to share in your bio.

Phone a friend.

This does not mean you ask someone to draft your bio for you. Instead reach out to a friend or colleague to ask how they would describe you as a person and professional. If they are willing to share this in writing, it can be used as inspiration. Hearing how someone else sees you in this light proves to be helpful when trying to talk about ourselves, which is often hard to do. Ask this person if they’re willing to read your bio when you’re done to get their feedback.

Putting pen to paper.

Where do you start now that you have your facts gathered? Since your bio is something that will need to vary in length depending on where it’s published, and will evolve over time, it makes sense to start in a space you may already have a need for one. This can be your LinkedIn profile, About section on your website, or personal blog page. Ahead of starting to write, you can browse through online profiles of people within your network to see what stands out and catches your interest in a way you want yours to. Remember no one knows you better than you, so write what you want people to know.

Ctrl C+ V + S.

 Make sure you copy, paste and save your online bio to a document on your personal computer. This will ensure you have it saved in more than one place and can expand upon it and edit as needed for various uses.

Help when you need it

If you’re still feeling hesitant about writing about yourself, we’ve compiled a few more places to start and motivate you to begin. If after all of this you’re still looking for help, send our team of creative writing experts a message and we’ll work together to tell your story.

  • Creating a Rockstar LinkedIn Profile

  • Inspiring Bios

    • Mel Robbins

    • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

    • Rebecca Bollwitt

    • Katie Clancy


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